

Many people are allergic to the pollen that floats around in the air. What is pollen? It comes from plants and corresponds to the sex cells of male animals (sperm cells).

Two sexes

Just like humans and other animals, plants also have two sexes. In order for fertilization to take place, male sex cells (pollen) must be conveyed to the female's sex cells (egg cells) and unite with them. In plants, this is called pollination and can occur in a variety of ways.


Some plants – birch trees, for example – have small, lightweight pollen that is carried away on the wind. If all goes well, it lands on a female sexual organ of another birch tree and attaches itself. Fertilization can now take place.

Attracting insects

Insects often visit flowers. For example, flies and hoverflies can often be seen perching on an angelica or daisy. Insects are attracted to flowers by their scents and colours.