The ruff

Serious ritual

Ruffs have gathered on a coastal meadow for mating. The males perform their display, turning and striking various poses. The females are attracted. Their purpose is serious– to find a partner to mate with.

Quiet ritual

When birds form pairs, the courtship usually includes a call or song. Ruffs are an exception. They are totally silent. Instead, visual signals play a crucial role. Both the plumage and the behaviour of the birds have a special character.

Dark or light

There are two categories of males. One has a dark collar around the neck, the other's is a lighter colour. Some of the dark-collared males are dominant. They have territories which they defend against other males. Threats and skirmishes often take place along the territorial boundaries.

Females attracted

The females are attracted to the arena. If a female comes near, the males may try to attract her by raising their wings to show the white underside.