Wild reindeer

Findings of wild reindeer from these times, mostly antlers, are rich. They lived in large hordes and patiently grazed across the tundra– grass, twigs and lichen were important, nutritious food.


Findings of predators and birds are unusual, but they surely existed: bear, wolf and wolverine made the grounds insecure for elk and reindeer. The skies were flown by various birds– snow
bunting, ptarmigan, rough- legged buzzard and arctic wading birds.

What happened then?

Climate slowly became milder. The ice melted northward and a number of plants and animals spread further into the country from the south.

One exhibition – one moment

Sweden's nature of today, is not what it used to be. And in the future it will also look differently. Science teaches us one important thing:nature is constantly changing. In Sweden's nature today, as well as in this exhibition, we see a short moment in time.